Let it be clearly understood that I’m not encouraging the practice of camping out on the public street or in any unauthorized location without permission. The purpose for providing the following information is to possibly help the homeless Veterans in trouble survive until their situation gets better. Survival of the fittest often boils down to being well equipped. When we can help one more Veteran, our world is a better place.
Since I’ve never been without permanent shelter or a conventional residential structure that I could call home, I’ll give it the best shot I can. Based on past experiences in the field and conversations with the unsheltered, I understand the importance of always being prepared. Being ready to break camp in a hurry when you’re sleeping in unauthorized places is key for survival. Implementing the bug out bag preparedness practices is highly recommended. Not having a plan will be costly.
When the cops run you off, fights occur or fires break out, the bug out bag is what you grab even if you can’t take all of your stuff. Consider having medications, first aid kit, water, food, knife, tools, toilet paper, clothes, money and identification. Obviously the medications can’t be left behind or your survival can now become at risk. In outdoor environments, cuts and other injuries are going to happen more often. Without a first aid kit, simple cuts can get dirty and infected and that leads to greater problems. Everyone’s outdoor priorities are different but planning for the quick evacuation with a bug out bag is essential.
Ok so now we’ll discuss the tent. The one you might get from a local charity, church or unsheltered citizen who was forced to leave theirs behind. While it’s no doubt tempting to get the largest tent possible, those big tents also weight more. If you’re transporting your gear in a car, no problem. If you’re using a shopping cart or any other method, every extra pound will tire you out and slow you down. A smaller shelter will also be less appealing to a thief willing to stab you in your sleep to get it.
The lighter you travel, the more options you’ll have to get your life on track and a roof over your head. One of the reasons some unsheltered veterans won’t go to available shelters is because there’s very little space to store your stuff. Many shelters also have no provisions for pets either so if you take lodging in the shelter, you’ll lose all your stuff. It’s a tough call but without an address, shower and clean clothes, getting a job will be tougher.