Death On A Good Day

These good days seem to happen by accident. Veterans don’t exactly plan for days like this but it sure is nice when they occur. Sometimes we even feel a little guilty for having a good day after the death of a fellow soldier, friend or family member. You might also have the feeling of being disloyal to their memory or to your relationship.

When you’re having a good day, pleasant thoughts come to mind that make you smile. Sometimes a certain scent seems fill to the room or the memory of a special touch feels real in that moment. If you listen close enough, you might even be able to hear the voice of your deceased loved one. Sometimes what you experience actually boils down to your faith. Some believe in life after death and that your deceased loved one is always by your side. 

Thoughts of death on a good day can replace your hurt, pain and depression with joy, laughter and warmth. Being alone might actually feel better to you during these moments than being with friends or family. Maybe this is a good time to play the songs that remind you of the deceased person. You might also take these opportunities to pull out pictures that enhance the memories. Everyday might not feel like a good day but the good days are possible after a loved one dies. As time goes by, you might be able to talk about the death and laugh about the memory. On a really good day, the bad memories might not exist at all.