Veterans - Selecting Your Political Party

I can’t speak to what serving in the military does to female veterans but men often change once we’re civilians. Drifting through life with our eyes glazed over might not be the way you want your life to go looking forward. By now you might know that everything is controlled by 2 political parties. I know that technically we have 3 but they boil down to only Democrats and Republicans. When you vote for somebody, you’re giving power to their parties entire agenda. Maybe this will help you make the best decision next time. 

Democrat Agenda

Abortion: Paid for with our tax dollars.
Gun Control: More laws will prevent crime.
Climate Change: Paid for with tax dollars.
Police: Defund/ Less Police.
Jails/ Prisons: Close more jails & Prisons.
Sex changes In Prison: Paid for with taxes.
LGBTQ: Teach in school & paid with taxes.



Abortion: Paid for with our tax dollars.
Gun Control: More laws will prevent crime.
Climate Change: Paid for with tax dollars.
Police: Defund/ Less Police.
Jails/ Prisons: More government programs.
Sex changes In Prison: Unknown
LGBTQ: Unknown


Republican Agenda

Abortion: Not paid for with our tax dollars.
Gun Control: Fewer laws, allow citizens guns
Climate Change: Not paid with tax dollars.
Police: More Police.
Jails/ Prisons: Open more jails & prisons.
Sex changes In Prison: No
LGBTQ: Not taught in school. No tax money.